About Fiscalo

With Fiscalo, we help the self-employed and their accountants make informed, strategic choices to shape their net income in the short and long term. Fiscalo is the software translation of Belgian (para)taxation into mathematics.
With Fiscalo, we help the self-employed and their accountants make informed, strategic choices to shape their net income in the short and long term. Fiscalo is the software translation of Belgian (para)taxation into mathematics.
Working people generally have little understanding of how net income from labor is created, what the cost of that is to businesses, what the long-term prospects are, etc.
This is no different for the self-employed. They too lack these insights.
How so?
You must already have mastered many areas of expertise to be able to put the puzzle together. Namely, you need expertise in tax law, social security, private insurance, business law, (relations) property law, etc.
In terms of taxation, you already need a far-reaching understanding between personal and corporate taxation, which is already no easy task.
Most self-employed people are therefore fortunate to have the assistance of, first and foremost, an accountant.
Furthermore, the self-employed gather the necessary advisors around them from social secretariats to insurance brokers to financial advisors.
Nonetheless, the self-employed and their advisors lack the necessary tools to understand what certain policy choices actually mean in the short and long term, and how certain policy choices impact other policy choices.
The clue is that, as an independent, you simply cannot make sound policy choices if you do not have a complete understanding that highlights the various perspectives.
Therefore, we have developed a SaaS (Software as a Service) application to provide just that insight and tailor net income to the self-employed person in question.
That application is Fiscalo - www.fiscalo.be
By the way, did you know that we can also offer Fiscalo as a white label for professionals such as accountants, social secretariats and social insurance funds?
For accountants, Fiscalo offers a super-fast calculation tool, visual reporting to the self-employed person and links with social secretariats, social insurance funds, etc. to immediately convert the advice into concrete action.
Because the accountant of the future is not the bookkeeper who makes entries. The accountant of the future is the go-to person who provides total solutions for the self-employed and really gets things going.
For social secretariats, Fiscalo offers a dashboard to bridge the gap between the accountant and the social secretariat and the processing of the manager's payroll.
Because social secretariats that do not have an online tool cannot service the accountant of the future and therefore risk missing the boat in the ever-growing self-employment market.
Accountants are already using tooling from social secretariats. If you want to make a difference as a social secretariat, you need tooling that goes beyond the business management tool of Xerius, Acerta or Liantis.
For social insurance funds, Fiscalo provides a dashboard to bridge the gap between the account and social secretariat on one side and the social insurance fund on the other. In this way, social contributions are calculated as accurately as possible and automatically processed and invoiced.
Social insurance funds that want to make a difference to accountants and the self-employed need an online portal. Because social insurance funds that do not have an online tool cannot service the accountant of the future and therefore risk missing the boat in the ever-growing self-employment market.
Accountants are already using all kinds of business management tools. If you want to make a difference as a social insurance fund, you need tooling that goes beyond the corporate leadership tool of Xerius, Acerta or Liantis.
To the self-employed directly, we also have something to offer with Fiscalo - whether you are in main or secondary employment, whether you are a sole proprietor (independent natural person) or a management company.
Along with using our SaaS application, you get advice and a customized report with which you can go to your accountant.
Often it is then that we have to model the most complex cases where multiple properties, multiple companies, cash flow timing issues, etc. In this context, we develop mathematical models tailored to the needs and requirements of the self-employed person.
Indeed, there already exist solutions that offer some insight into optimizing the net income of the self-employed (examples include TaxMachine, Aeco Legal Tech, Xerius / SD Worx's business management tool, Liantis' business management tool, etc.).
What all these tools have in common is that they are linear computational tools.
For example. You calculate the impact of a monthly management fee of 3,000 EUR gross. Then you calculate the impact of a monthly management fee of 4 000 EUR. Then you calculate the impact of granting meal vouchers. And so on and so forth.
So the calculation tools as such that are on the market can actually be recreated in an Excel spreadsheet. Moreover, those tools do not offer you, as a self-employed person, any insight into the strategic policy choices you may or may not want to make.
Fiscalo works fundamentally differently.
Given a set of parameters (turnover and costs, necessary liquidity per month, characteristics of your personal situation and preferences), Fiscalo calculates hundreds of thousands of scenarios and selects from them the optimal scenarios for you - both short- and long-term.
The impact of corporate and personal taxes - which are communicating vessels - is taken into account, as is the granting of (defensible) net allowances. Fiscalo - unlike current solutions on the market - provides a complete understanding of the financial situation of self-employed workers.
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